Apollo nelle collezioni sabaude: su due marmi antichi al museo di antichità di Torino

Anna Maria Riccomini,

pp. 27-38, Tavv. 9

DOI: 10.26406/RdA42-03

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This paper discusses two Roman sculptures now at the Museo di Antichità in Turin. The first one, still unpublished, is a free version of the Apollo Lykeios type. Some technical details (especially, the use of the drill) and the preference for Thasian marble suggest an association with the so-called School of Thasos, a workshop of Roman copyists mostly active from the late Flavian to the Trajanic period. Another replica of the same type is the Apollo at Holkham Hall (Norfolk), also in Thasian marble, allegedly from Rome: the provenance of the Turin statue is still an open question, however some clues point to of its origin from Vercelli. The second sculpture, a head probably representing Apollo, was much praised by A. Furtwängler at the end of the 19th Century, but has been almost neglected in more recent studies. It is a unique and very fine classicistic creation after Greek classical models. Its antiquarian history goes back to the Renaissance, when it was drawn by Jacopo Strada.

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