The statue from Ampurias/Emporion, reconsidered

Sonia Mucznik, Asher Ovadiah

pp. 41-44, Tavv. 5


This article does not deal with the identification of the statue from Ampurias/Emporion, as this subject has already been widely discussed by various scholars, who suggested that it could be identified either as Asklepios or Sarapis/Serapis, or else Agathos Daimon/Serapis. As a matter of fact, the aim of this article is to re-examine the question of whether the two parts of the statue from Ampurias/Emporion, composed of two different marbles (Pentelic and Parian), belong to one sculptural work or to two different statues and dates. The comparative study presented hereby permits to suggest that these are two separate sculptural parts. The lower, draped part can be dated to the late fourth-third century BCE, whereas the upper, nude part and head can be attributed to the second century CE.

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